Thursday, February 07, 2008

Mind-Blowing Video Illustrating How Easily You Are Deceived...

You are only allowed to watch this video once. Seriously, do not cheat!

Read the following paragraph twice so you understand the instructions:

In the video you will see a group of basketball players, some in white shirts and some in black shirts passing two basketballs around. Your goal is to count how many times the ball is passed by those wearing white shirts. It's that simple.

Remember, when the video starts focus right away on those wearing white shirts and count the number of times the basketball passes from one person to another. Once the movie is over, write down the number of passes you have counted.

Watch video once, DO NOT watch the video again!

Focus on the basketball players wearing white shirts and how many times they pass the ball:


After you have watched the video please read comments below.

You probably do not want to read the comments below until after you have looked at the video. The comments below contain information about the video that could alter your results. To prevent you from spoiling the video ONLY scroll down this page AFTER you have seen the video.


It doesn't matter how many times the ball was passed, the question is, did you see the Gorilla in the video?

The reason that nearly every one doesn't see the Gorilla is because their attention, their focus, is on the balls as the instructions have told them. They are completely distracted and as such they can't see something as obvious as a Gorilla walking across the screen.

This really is a mind-boggling and powerful experiment.

It is the same with your daily life. The media and major corporations are constantly having you place your focus on this or that -- all five sense activities -- and so you miss the 'Gorilla' and you are able to be controlled, deceived and manipulated because you are being distracted.

This is one reason that you belong to one of the most conditioned, programmed cultures the world has ever known. Your perceptions are carefully and precisely regulated -- and not for your best interests.

In America, conventional wisdom that has mass acceptance is usually contrived: somebody paid for it.


  • Pharmaceuticals restore health
  • Vaccination brings immunity and prevents disease
  • When a child has a fever they need Tylenol
  • Hospitals are safe and clean
  • America has the best health care in the world
  • The mainstream media tells you the truth
  • And many, many more

This is a list of illusions that have cost billions and billions along with untold amounts of human pain and suffering. We need to gather together to expose the fraud and deception so you can see the Gorilla the next time he pops his ugly mug.

Then you will be able to point him out to your friends and neighbors and we will be well on our way toward providing a path for most to choose to be independently healthy, wealthy and free of the tyranny of massive corporate interests that pull the wool over our eyes on a daily basis.

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