Friday, February 15, 2008

Clearing Your Money Issues

Whether you realize it or not, you have a relationship with money that YOU are constantly molding. Money is a neutral resource to which you give power. Your patterns with money are dictated by your beliefs, feelings and language about money.

Money will either reward you or cause great struggles in your life. It is up to you to tell money what you want it to do. It seems that most people do the following two things that create financial lack:

1. They keep talking about how much money they don't have and how they will probably never have enough. Some of the most popular phrases are:

"I can't afford it."
"I don't have enough money."
"I will never have enough."
"I have too many bills."
"I are always falling short."
"The economy is weak."

2. They keep focusing on how much money is flowing out and create the emotions of distress and fear. Whatever we focus on, we create more of. However we feel about any aspect of our lives, we draw more of that experience into our lives. If we keep focusing with powerful negative emotions on all the money flowing out, we give more & more power to money leaving and very little power to money flowing in.

What this looks like in reality is more events occurring in your life that cost you addt’l money such as repairs, health bills, accidents, and compulsive spending. One way to reverse all of this is:

  • Change your language. Start talking about how there is enough money and that you are grateful for receiving your share. Say things such as:

"I am grateful for all the money that is coming my way."
"I am grateful for what I have now."
"I am grateful that I am a wise steward of money."
"I am grateful all my bills are paid in full."
"There is enough and I am ok.

  • Start putting your focus on money flowing to you with the emotion of gratitude. What would it "feel" like to have enough and more? What would it "look" like? What would it "sound" like in your family and marriage? What would you say to each other different from what you are saying now? What would it "taste" like?

Activate your senses by imagining and feeling in detail what you want to experience. In this state of mind and emotion, you throw out a powerful message with a strong vibration to the Universe and the Universe responds in a like manner.

  • Imagine more and observe less. People stay stuck in lack because they keep observing, talking, and focusing on their current reality and what they don't want. When you vibrate at that level the Universe can only give you more lack, it’s law.

Start imagining and feeling, every morning, what you DO WANT and it will manifest in your life. Stop using your powerful mind just to survive and get by. Divine gave us all the ability to create and most of us have forgotten the true power we possess.

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