“If thoughts can do that to water,
imagine what our thoughts can do to us.”
from the movie, What the Bleep Do We Know!?
The Law of Attraction teaches that we attract into our lives whatever we focus on. Quantum Physics teaches that nothing is fixed, that there are no limitations, that everything is vibrating Energy. By understanding that everything is Energy in a state of potential and by applying the Law of Attraction to bring into our lives whatever we focus on, it is never necessary to feel stuck with an undesirable life.
We are Creators of the Universe. The classical physics of
The physical world is a
Universal Machinery. With Quantum Physics,
we are Creators of the Universe.
Everything is Energy. Again, Einstein’s 1905 formula E = mc2 explains the relationship between Energy and matter, i.e., that Energy and matter are interchangeable that, in reality, everything is Energy dancing, fluid, ever-changing Energy.
This Energy is influenced by our thoughts. It is shapeable, formable, and moldable. As Creators, we shape, form and mold the Energy of the Universe through our thoughts. We transform the Energy of our thoughts into the Energy of our reality.
The Physics of Possibility. The popular movie, What the Bleep Do We Know (as seen above), clarifies that Quantum Physics is the physics of possibility. We have been conditioned to believe that the external world is more real than the internal world. Quantum Physics says just the opposite. It says that what’s happening on the inside determines what’s happening on the outside. It says that our world is shaped by our thoughts.
Since nothing is fixed and everything is in a state of potential, everything is possible. As we understand that there are no limitations, and as we focus our thoughts on what we want to attract, we can literally call into existence whatever we desire.
Children often say “It could happen!” They probably don’t know much about the physics of possibility, but they practice it with this great attitude. Some children remind us to entertain possibility and remind us that nothing is impossible.
Dreams into Reality. The Universe exists as infinite potential in infinite abundance. As we focus our thoughts, we have the power to bring our desires into existence, our dreams into reality.
As you focus your thoughts, you have the power to be and do and have whatever you desire...