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Be anxious over nothing. Worry is useless, because at best it can only disrupt the desired positive outcome, and at worst bring about a negative outcome. There is not a single instance where worry can work positively. So why bother worry any more?
Now let us look at the grand daddy of this universal law that guarantees that everything produces of its own kind. Where is it most clearly given to us? In just about all the worlds major religions, no matter where they come from or how they started, they say one thing: you were created in the image and likeness of the Original Creator. The Creator, by extension of Itself, creates that which is like It in essence, though not necessarily in form.
Form changes all the time, but essence is eternal. The only reason you do not experience yourself with the magnificence you imagine the Creator possessing is because (and again this law comes in) you have put forth and held a thought that your not that which you are, and hence you experience that as well. And that is why all spiritual streams emphasize going within, waking up, remembering, recognizing your unity with Oneness. And this is how deep this law goes, that like produces in kind.
Where else have you seen this law talked about? You have seen it in more places than you may remember. Here are some examples:
- Birds of a feather flock together,
- You reap what you sow,
- You shall know them by their fruits,
- Karma,
- What goes around comes around,
- Do unto your brother... You know the rest.
If you don't like having little money, simply stop worrying about money, stop thinking of situations where you may lack money, stop speaking and thinking from the position of poverty. A poor thought gives rise to poverty, a rich thought gives rise to wealth. It is very simple. And this applies to all areas of life, even in relationships and health.
Let us look at what works and what doesn't:
Flowing from a mental and emotional position of abundance results in wealth, but struggling and working hard from a mental and emotional position of lack results in tiredness and little wealth, no matter how long you do it for.
Flowing from a mental and emotional position of peace results in peace, but protesting and fighting against war from a mental and emotional position of conflict results in conflict and polarity, no matter how long you do it for. Don't believe this? Well, ask yourself this: If everyone in the world fought against a cause they believed to be worth fighting for, all 6 billion people each with a justifiable cause to fight against, what would happen?
Now, what if all 6 billion people held peace in their mind, regardless of what everyone else does, what would happen then? Impractical, you say? You haven't tried it yet. I guarantee you that holding your own peace is the most effective way to peace. No matter how big this planet gets, it still comes down to what each person does, and hence the sovereignty and power of an individual is guaranteed high and capable. Every invention, revolution or leap started with one person, spreading to more. But that is another topic all together.
Peace and Love.