Friday, December 28, 2007
Spiritual Bank Account
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A 92-year-old, petite, well-poised and proud man, who is fully dressed each morning by eight o'clock, with his hair fashionably combed and shaved perfectly, even though he is legally blind, moved to a nursing home today. His wife of 70 years recently passed away, making the move necessary. After many hours of waiting patiently in the lobby of the nursing home, he smiled sweetly when told his room was ready.
As he maneuvered his walker to the elevator, he was provided a visual description of his tiny room, including the eyelet sheets that had been hung on his window.
"I love it," he stated with the enthusiasm of an 8-year-old having just been presented with a new puppy.
"Mr. Jones, you haven't seen the room yet; just wait."
"That doesn't have anything to do with it," he replied."
"Happiness is something you decide on ahead of time. Whether I like my room or not doesn't depend on how the furniture is arranged... it's how I arrange my mind. I already decided to love it. It's a decision I make every morning when I wake up. I have a choice; I can spend the day in bed recounting the difficulty I have with the parts of my body that no longer work, or get out of bed and be thankful for the ones that do."
"Each day is a gift and as long as my eyes open, I'll focus on the present moment of the new day and all the happy memories I've stored away."
"Old age is like a bank account. You withdraw from what you've put in."
"So, my advice to you would be to deposit a lot of happiness in the bank account of memories!"
"Thank you for your part in filling my Memory bank. I am still depositing," he concluded.
Remember the five simple rules to be happy:
1. Free your heart from hatred.
2. Free your mind from worries.
3. Live simply.
4. Give more.
5. Expect less.
Have a nice day and an Awesome New Year... unless you already have other plans!
Friday, December 21, 2007
A Gift For You...
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I'm evaluating a multi-media course on blogging from the folks at Simpleology. For a while, they're letting you snag it for free if you post about it on your blog.
It covers:
- The best blogging techniques.
- How to get traffic to your blog.
- How to turn your blog into money.
I'll let you know what I think once I've had a chance to check it out. Meanwhile, go grab yours while it's still FREE.
Also, check this out:
Your Crabby Mood
Having a happy day is well within your reach even if you are feeling totally down in the dumps. Being happy is a choice and there are things you can do to make it happen. Just like when you feel a decrease in energy, the best thing to do is to get your body moving - the same thing is true with cultivating happiness. You must literally pick yourself up and get moving on some actions that will create happiness.
1. Fight the Urge to Mope. Get committed. This is the first step. Do you want to be happy or do you want to wallow in bad feelings? When you're ready to be happy, just make the choice and go with it.
2. Smile. Smile at everyone you meet today. It's OK to fake it at first if you need to, but pretty soon it will be real and it will make you feel good. As you feel yourself becoming happy, remember not to fight it!
3. Laugh. Tell some jokes. Seek out jokes, funny people, and funny videos. Be silly. Crack yourself up. Just start laughing. That alone can make you laugh. And when you laugh you release your body's own natural opiates: endorphins which make you feel good. Here is a link to more info on Laughing Yoga where all you do is laugh! And here's a video on it to check out:
4. Yield to Others. Let others go first in line, on the road, and at any other opportunity you encounter during the day.
5. Count Your Blessings. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Heard it before, right? Well have you done it? It works. List 50 things for which you're grateful and without which your life would be worse. Go ahead. Try it!
6. Make Someone Else Happy. Who could you cheer up today? Who could you thank or compliment? Who could you send a quick handwritten note to? You can really have fun with this, so go ahead and do it!
7. Take an Action Step on a Goal. If there is a goal you've been dreaming about for a while, take the first or next step today. This will give you a feeling of control over your life and that will make you feel good. Just one step is all it takes and then plan the step you'll take tomorrow!
8. Exercise. Moving your body creates endorphins which make you feel good. Exercise will also make you breathe more deeply activating your lymph system which is the body's waste removal engine. Removing toxins through exercise will make you feel great!
9. Music. Get a good dose of your favorite music. Sing along! Dance! Play some air guitar. Heck, get in your car and sing at the top of your lungs! Silly, you say? That's the whole idea! Have some fun. Enjoy!
10. Treat Yourself. Pick a little something and treat yourself to it. Maybe some chocolate cake, a movie, or something else that will make you smile.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Gold & Silver - Secure Your Financial Future
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StreamLine Gold is literally what it says; it can provide an opportunity for unlimited income through the combination of Precious Metals and Cash
( 1888PressRelease ) December 12, 2007 - Accumulating Gold and Silver has a sense of security, they are real. 'Silver' and 'Gold' aren't just names for companies, they are tangible objects that you can hold and feel the value of. Gold and Silver are substance and therein lies their power. This is exactly why Don McElmurry developed and started the StreamLine Gold (SLG) online business opportunity, which can be viewed at
“Since the time of Babylon, Gold and Silver has always been money. When placing hard earned dollars to start a business like SLG, you’re placing your money into something solid, something real. Real objects like precious metals is something real, something tangible and should be part of everyone’s portfolio,” states founding SLG member Chad Hershey of the Pinnacle Group.
Mr. Hershey continues, “The U.S. Dollar has lost 70% of its value against other major currencies since the United States went off the gold standard in 1971. Gold and silver cannot be 'made', as opposed to company products. This simplifies the supply and demand way of thinking, because there is a fixed supply. All that you have to worry about is the demand, and when isn't the demand for precious metals high, especially in today’s day and age!”
Apart from the high use of Gold in jewelry, Gold is also used in dentistry, (for gold crowns) embroidery, (to make threads with), electronics, (in connectors on wires) and as a coating on satellites and astronauts' helmets. Silver is used even more, in cutlery, mirrors, in medicine, as a food additive, and even to make polymers in clothes.
Mr. Hershey concludes, “The precious metals market is set to explode and for as little as $50, SLG members can be a part of this growth and share in the massive profits that will be created. SLG is here at the right time, and the time is right for SLG.”
More details on StreamLine Gold can be found here:
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Everything Produces in Kind - Pt. 2 of 2
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Be anxious over nothing. Worry is useless, because at best it can only disrupt the desired positive outcome, and at worst bring about a negative outcome. There is not a single instance where worry can work positively. So why bother worry any more?
Now let us look at the grand daddy of this universal law that guarantees that everything produces of its own kind. Where is it most clearly given to us? In just about all the worlds major religions, no matter where they come from or how they started, they say one thing: you were created in the image and likeness of the Original Creator. The Creator, by extension of Itself, creates that which is like It in essence, though not necessarily in form.
Form changes all the time, but essence is eternal. The only reason you do not experience yourself with the magnificence you imagine the Creator possessing is because (and again this law comes in) you have put forth and held a thought that your not that which you are, and hence you experience that as well. And that is why all spiritual streams emphasize going within, waking up, remembering, recognizing your unity with Oneness. And this is how deep this law goes, that like produces in kind.
Where else have you seen this law talked about? You have seen it in more places than you may remember. Here are some examples:
- Birds of a feather flock together,
- You reap what you sow,
- You shall know them by their fruits,
- Karma,
- What goes around comes around,
- Do unto your brother... You know the rest.
If you don't like having little money, simply stop worrying about money, stop thinking of situations where you may lack money, stop speaking and thinking from the position of poverty. A poor thought gives rise to poverty, a rich thought gives rise to wealth. It is very simple. And this applies to all areas of life, even in relationships and health.
Let us look at what works and what doesn't:
Flowing from a mental and emotional position of abundance results in wealth, but struggling and working hard from a mental and emotional position of lack results in tiredness and little wealth, no matter how long you do it for.
Flowing from a mental and emotional position of peace results in peace, but protesting and fighting against war from a mental and emotional position of conflict results in conflict and polarity, no matter how long you do it for. Don't believe this? Well, ask yourself this: If everyone in the world fought against a cause they believed to be worth fighting for, all 6 billion people each with a justifiable cause to fight against, what would happen?
Now, what if all 6 billion people held peace in their mind, regardless of what everyone else does, what would happen then? Impractical, you say? You haven't tried it yet. I guarantee you that holding your own peace is the most effective way to peace. No matter how big this planet gets, it still comes down to what each person does, and hence the sovereignty and power of an individual is guaranteed high and capable. Every invention, revolution or leap started with one person, spreading to more. But that is another topic all together.
Peace and Love.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Everything Produces in Kind - Pt.1 of 2
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Let us notice a very simple, universal yet hardly noticed principle of life. Noticing this will dramatically improve your life in all areas and situations - relationships, health, career, business, politics, sports - all areas of your life. Sometimes the simplest of things are the most powerful yet least understood. Let us look at one such simplicity.
Here it is: Everything produces in kind.
An orange seed produces orange trees, which produce oranges. This you can count on.
A frog gives birth to frogs. This you can count on.
Water evaporates into steam. This you can count on.
So what can you not count on? The impossible. You cannot count on the impossible. The impossible is this:
You cannot count on an orange seed growing into a banana plant, for that is impossible.
You cannot count on a frog giving birth to a gorilla, for that is impossible.
You cannot count on water evaporating into steel, for that is impossible.
In other words, everything produces in kind, and trying to go against this is impossible and at best a pure waste of energy resulting in pain and no result. Try it if you don't believe it.
Here is a bigger insight into this: Everything gives rise to that which is like it, only in a different form. So the orange seed, tree and fruit are one and the same thing, only appearing in different form. The frog, egg and tadpole are one and the same thing, only appearing in different form. The water, steam, clouds, ocean, and ice are one and the same thing, only appearing in different form. Now to expand: If you did not know what a frog was or a tadpole and saw them both at the same time, you would think they are two different creatures completely! If you have never seen water or ice and saw them both at the same time, you would think they are two different materials!
Ok, fair enough. It is easy to see how this is so with the physical world around you, but what does that have to do with your life and life affairs?
Simple. Everything gives rise to that which is like it, only in a different form. Sometimes, if you are not aware of the big picture, your mind may get tricked into thinking there is no relationship between things that are obviously related. And this is what happens all the time. It is the norm rather than the exception.
If you have followed this blog for awhile, you should know by now that our lives arise out of our thoughts. You are reading this now because, by a chain of choices you have previously made, including the choice to read to this point, you have thought of reading such material before. In other words, if it was not in your mental interest or field of attention, you would never have read this article you are reading now. Sometimes in your life you have seen a clear connection between your thoughts and the world arising around you. at most other times you have not seen this connection and thought even that you were a victim of circumstances. Now is the time to see that, truly, everything gives rise to its own kind. And this is how you do that:
Your thoughts give rise to like thoughts, words and actions. If you think a thought A, it will and must, under all circumstances, result in an experience in your world that is exactly like thought A, only appearing in different form. In practice, this means that you worry about things because you worry about things. It means that the very act of worrying, which by definition is the consistent and excessive thinking of the worst case scenario, is that which gives rise to conditions that make you worry even more.
Again, every thought you have gives rise to experiences and results of its own kind. This is sealed and unbreakable. To simplify, a happy thought results in happy conditions and experiences, and a destructive thought results in its own kind, and these can never be interchanged.
To simplify even further, worry results in conditions to worry about, and anxiety results in conditions to be anxious about. That is how your world arises out of yourself.
Now, your attention is needed here for the next statements, so please pay full attention now.
There is no point to worrying about anything. You worry because you think that worrying is doing something about it and hence by worrying you believe that you will help prevent disaster. You worry because you believe it works for you. And when the events you were worried about finally come about, you feel justified, that you were correct in worrying about them because, look, here they are now! The truth is, the worrisome conditions came because you worried about them. Everything gives rise to its own kind. You worry, and sooner or later you are faced with the circumstances you worried about, or something similar in context and essence but different in form and appearance.
Worry, or any negative thought, will under all circumstances give rise to negative external outcomes. Never, under any circumstances, will it give rise to positive outcomes because by definition worry is the envisioning of the worst case scenario.
Remember, the connections between the causing thought and the resultant effect may not be obvious to you, but be assured that even if separated by space, form and time, a thought always gives rise to a matching result.
Continued next week...
Monday, November 12, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Passive Income & Web Traffic
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Following my passion of Multiple Streams of Income and always looking for programs that can help the little guy, I've come across two companies that I'm highly recommending.
The biggest challenge we all face in the Internet Marketing arena is Traffic. The next challenge we all face is making money online. And we can't make money online if we aren't getting Traffic to our sites!
Always searching for programs where the little guy can truly succeed, these are the two closet I've found so far:
The first NEW program I recommend is: Massive Traffic Secrets Revealed!
This is a Group of Distinguished Programmers and Marketing Geniuses with a keen ability to mesh Technology with Marketing. Quite Simply, their Skills Rock at Generating Targeted Traffic! These techniques are Proven and are NOW available to all of us. These Secrets can be used for any Industry in any Location around the Globe.
This Interactive Multimedia Platform was designed so that EVERYONE duplicates each other. You simply join this Project, that's it! If you don’t currently have an online business you will get your own complete Internet Business once you join.
The second NEW program I recommend is: Passive Daily Income
These guys have deliberately set up a system in such a way as to totally remove any and all personal sponsoring requirements because, quite frankly, sponsoring requirements scare the masses and prevents many people from joining. If you are sick and tired of never making any money online, you might want to check this out.
I truly desire each and everyone of you success and maybe some of you will finally experience prosperity with one or both of these companies. I have jumped into both of these programs with both feet and please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions.
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Home Based Business Internet Style
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The subconscious mind is a very powerful thing. If you have a negative or lazy attitude about you, then you will have no choice but to be negative or lazy. If you mope around and complain then you will achieve nothing. If, on the other hand, you are upbeat and cheerful, then you will generally have a good day and achieve quite a lot. If you dress successfully, people will treat you better than if you dress like a bum. Sad fact I know, but it’s the truth in today’s society.
I found years ago that in a home business you need to put just as much effort into your appearance and your attitude, if not more, as you did when working in secular employment. I’ve had to learn to improve my telephone manner, my enthusiasm on the phone and, by looking at myself in a mirror while speaking, I realized why I couldn't sell anything. I needed a check up from the head up!
With a home based business, if you dress business casual, comb your hair, brush your teeth and smile you will then start to feel like a professional. It’s this feeling that will come across on the phone and the more confidence you have the faster your business will grow.
Working from home should be exciting, after all how many people can say that their daily commute consists of going from their bedroom to across the hall to their home office? Working from home on the Internet should be something you do with pride. I have always been consistent in my actions and conscientiously believe and expect the rewards for my efforts to be granted to me.
You should try and answer emails within 24 hours, minimum. The maximum time frame you would want to wait to respond is 48 hours. To accomplish this you will want to set aside time each day just to respond to emails. Some say three times a day, morning, mid afternoon, and evening is best as it ensures everyone gets a timely response.
There is immense satisfaction in seeing people answer your ads, having people respond to your flyers, having prospects ask about your products & opportunity and respond in a positive way. Having people buy your products and assisting them in starting a home business should give you a great sense that you are helping someone improve their lot in life.
Make sure you are courteous and professional. There are some times you just don’t feel like answering a question that has the answer plainly on your website or in a sales letter, or some question you feel is irrelevant or foolish. The urge to send a fiery response may be there. If you do not feel you can politely and professionally answer, take a break. Come back after you took some time to cool down. Remember, the customer who asked the question may be basing their decision to get involved with you on your answer, so you want to be as thorough and polite as possible when answering. Do not push away a customer or potential customer with a hasty emotional response.
In a home based business your chief aims are to sell your products and teach others to duplicate your success. Out of this can come strong bonds of friendship, as your team develops and your network grows. There is immense satisfaction in running a successful Home Based Business.
Article Found Here
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
5 Ways to attract Abundance and Prosperity
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When you hear the words "Abundance" and "Prosperity" what immediately comes to mind? Money, fulfilling relationships, your dream house, peace of mind, or maybe a career/vocation you truly enjoy? It may be all or none of these or it may mean something else to you all together. Whatever these words mean to you, if you want to attract more Prosperity and Abundance into your life this article will get you started on the right track.
1. Understand the Law of Attraction
This is better known as LOA and as defined by Abraham, "the LOA is always working, you attract whatever you give your attention and energy to, whether wanted or unwanted." If you're curious about the energy you're putting out there, look around you at what you are attracting as the visible/tangible results in your life.
Knowing about and working with the the Law of Attraction will help you in manifesting, creating and attracting more Abundance and Prosperity in your life. Once you understand the LOA, there's no turning back.
2. You Get What You Focus On
One of the key concepts in the Law of Attraction is that you get what you focus on, whether that be money, relationships, employment, etc. So when you focus on lack, that is the experience you create for yourself. Saying "I hate my career" will just draw even more attention to the aspects of the career you don't like. Even if you look for a career change there's a good chance that the negative energy will follow you.
Wanting something isn't enough, especially if you continue to think about what you don't have. Always focusing on what you don't have means that you won't see the future opportunities that may be available, let alone begin to realize your true desires.
3. Clear Your Head
This allows you to have a laser target focus. Our minds are full of "stuff"; old, tired and limiting beliefs, which don't reflect who we are now or who we want to become. Set aside some quiet time for yourself on a regular basis to get real clear about what you really want to attract in your life. Use this opportunity to ask yourself questions and listen as your inner being responds.
Ask yourself: "how can I create more Prosperity and Abundance in my life?." Once your head is clear, you allow the answers to come to you. Meditation or getting quiet is a great way to start clearing the mind.
4. Appreciation and Gratitude
Appreciating life's abundance is another way to opening yourself up to accept more Abundance and Prosperity in your life. When you fully appreciate what you have in your life, the Universe has a way of giving you more. Keep a gratitude journal and at the end of each day write down 5 things you appreciate. You'll begin to change your energy & vibration and become more internally aligned with what you want to create in your life.
5. Use prosperity affirmations
As you write in your gratitude journal, take this opportunity to write down prosperity affirmations as well. Affirmations are statements of acceptance in the present tense that you use to manifest your destiny or what you want to create in your life. They are powerful, positive thoughts and words sent out to the universe using I am or I have.
If you want to use affirmations to create positive changes in your life, then you must first BELIEVE that change is possible. Don't go at this half heartedly; "well, I'll give this a go and see what happens."
To make affirmations more effective, put as much positive energy in writing and saying them as possible. Visualize what you want to create and let your visualizations become ingrained in your unconscious.
When you cease operating from a position of lack, you start to create the fertile conditions to make more informed decisions, identify greater opportunities and attract more abundance and prosperity into your life.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Zrii™ Launches on October 1st - Are You In?
This is turning into the fastest growing NWM company in history! This product will be a household name and the monthly commission checks will have us bouncing off the walls and shouting from the rooftoops!
Combining the wisdom and the endorsement of the Chopra Center, the leadership and financial backing of financial tycoon, Bill Farley, this is the BIG winner of 2007!
The sooner you get in the higher you will place in our matrix and the better chance you have of enjoying some serious monthly commissions based on the volume of those we place underneath you!
Did you know Bill tried to buy Herbalife for $700 million ?.....He is a big believer in Network Marketing and he has set very high expectations for Zrii™ ..... Can you say a Billion Dollar Business!?
Zrii™ Launches on October 1st - Are You In?
Zrii and The Original Amalaki are registered trademarks of Zrii LLC, The
Monday, August 06, 2007
Ask With Your Vibrations, Not With Words
The Law of Attraction works by matching your 'vibes' or your vibration with your desires.
Each of us has an "internal vibrational meter" that is constantly shifting from high frequency to low frequency. This meter can be referred to as your emotional guidance system.
Think of a scale from 10 to 100.
Let's classify anything above 50 as high frequency 'feel good' vibration and anything below 50 as low frequency 'bad feeling' vibration.
Your job then is to ensure that you send out high frequency vibes as much as possible. Or another way to put it is, your job is to simply feel good moment-to-moment.
This is so that the abundant Universe can match your desires and give your MORE of what you want.
And you can get More of what you want by vibrating happy, good feelings & emotions that are associated with having your goal or desire manifested.
Ask yourself? How would you feel right now if you had what it is you desire?
Take money out of the equation. Focus on the feeling of having what you want already.
By doing this on a consistent basis, you give off high frequency or positive vibes and you can be sure that your desires will be manifested in the fastest time. Everything you want is already here in vibrational escrow, you just have to align your highest self (your vibration) with your desires and the magic begins.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Manifesting Money
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A great piece by Lori Hamann I wanted to share:
Do you ever get the sense, that if you could just make more money, all of your problems would be over? Do you ever feel like money controls you, instead of you controlling your money? Money gives you things, yes, but more importantly it gives you freedom. Freedom to spend, freedom to have, and freedom to just be. You want money so that life can be and feel easier...You want money so you can experience freedom.
Isn't it funny - how we all want to manifest more money in our lives, (and not have to work for it!) - but so many of us hold to the belief that in order to have an abundance of money in life you must work very hard for it?! The key is, if you feel that you must work hard to create money, you will.
Isn't is funny- how we all want to manifest more money in our lives, so we will feel better about who we are - but so many of us hold to the belief that the rich are evil or stuck up? The key - if you feel negative feelings about those who create money around you, you will repel abundance and money away from you.
What is your dominant belief or feeling about money? What do you think you are "vibrating" about money? Are you inviting money to come into your life, or are you repelling it away from you? Have you been stuck in the same place with your money for a long time?
Manifesting, or creating for that matter, can be explained in a few short steps. You ask, you receive, and you allow "it" to come into your life, whatever "it" maybe. Whether it's a new car, a relationship, health, or money - those are the simplified steps to creating anything you want in your life. You have heard the expression, "be careful what you ask for, you might just get it!" True.
So it may sound too easy and simple. We ask and we receive? Boom, just like that? Yes, just like that. What we struggle with is "allowing" the manifestation.
How do you hinder money from coming into your life? You hinder the allowance of money flow into your life with contradictory thoughts, beliefs and feelings. You say, "This year I will make $50,000. But, I want to (or wish I could) make $100,000 or more." Which of these projections do you think will manifest? So many times it is the limited belief that is manifested in life, because it holds the bigger focus for you. By the Law of Attraction, what we focus on gets bigger. If you are focused on lack, you create lack. If you focus on abundance you create abundance. If you focus on nothing, you create nothing. If you focus on what is, you create more of what is. If you would like to consciously create in your life, it calls for a shift in focus. A shift towards what you want vs. what you don't want.
Here are a few tips to get you started - so that you may begin to attract the money that you would like in your life - so that you may experience the freedom you desire.
How to Increase the Flow of Money Into Your Life
1. Be conscious of the Law of Attraction: Abraham defines the Law of Attraction like this - "That which is like unto itself is drawn. " So what you are radiating and vibrating in your life with your thoughts, words, emotion and beliefs you will attract to you. Again, focus on abundance, get abundance. Focus on lack of money - and you will create more of a lack of money. Also remember that first you ask with your desire, you receive, and then you allow "it" to come into your life.
2. Say YES to money: Have you made a decision to have money in your life? Have you said YES to money? Remember that when you say yes to money, you include that in your vibration, and you will attract money. If you are saying NO to money - with your feelings, thoughts or beliefs, you will also include that in your vibration. Decide to say YES to money. Line up what you want with what you feel. Don't settle for what life throws your way - create your life just as you want it to be.
3. Consciously vibrate positive feelings about your money: As you think about your money, focus on what you have, vs. what you don't have. Allow what you "don't have" only to serve as a light in helping you to see what you do in fact want to create. Think positive thoughts about the money that you do have, see it growing, see it flowing in and out of your bank account with ease. See that you have enough, and that we all have enough. Come from a place that lack will only be our experience if we believe and project lack. See money as a wonderful source of energy that is a God given form of exchange. Get excited about creating money and feel good about it. Nothing is more important than that YOU FEEL GOOD when you are creating your life.
4. Be aware of where negative beliefs about money sneak up on you: Negative beliefs have a tendency to sneak up on you. Pay attention to your emotions - they will guide you. If you are not feeling good, check out your thoughts behind it. You may find a negative belief. If you find yourself feeling angry that someone makes more money than you, examine what your belief is. If you find yourself feeling sorry for another is not as prosperous as you, and you feel bad, examine that as well. Begin to unhook from negative beliefs through awareness, reframing, or shifting focus - which will allow you to flow your energy positively. Looks for as many positive aspects of a situation that you can possibly find. Write them down.
5. Make sure that what you want, and what you are vibrating, are the same: This of course ties in with your beliefs. People tend to have mixed attitudes that stem from greater belief systems, when it comes to creating money. You might say, "I want to create an extra $500 to pay for that seminar I want to take..." But then you might find yourself saying, "There is no way I am going to get that extra $500....or, I can't afford it....or, it's too much....or, I have no idea how to get it....or, it's probably not worth it anyway....or, or, or. Those beliefs or attitudes are in no way a match to what you actually desire - which is to go to that seminar. Can you feel the difference in the vibration even as you read the words? You make sure that what you desire, and what you are vibrating (about that desire) be in alignment.
6. Clean up your money clutter: When you clean up any space in your life, including you money space - you create space for more of what you want to come in. If you are wanting to create more money in your life, it is important to create space for that money! Pay your bills, pay those you owe, ask for payment for those who owe you, straighten your files, create a plan for your money, or handle your emotional issues around money. Remember that you will, as an end result feel clear. When you feel clear, you feel good (it's like cleaning the house). And when you FEEL GOOD, and are coming from a good place about your money, you will be vibrating a pure vibration which aligns you with what you want -- more money!
7. Love and appreciate your money: You may have had the experience, as you sit down to pay your bills - that you HATE to pay your bills. You see your bank account drain once again, and the fury builds from within. It's important to note that what you love and appreciate you will attract more of, and what you depreciate you will repel. If you want more money, match your vibration to what you want, and the best way to feel good about something is to appreciate it, and allow yourself to love it. Society tells us that it is not ok to love your money -- in fact it's not right even to talk about it. Break the chain of societal beliefs about money.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
How To Materialize Your Desires
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The following is an excerpt from the book THEN - The Oracle, available from
"It is desire that makes entrance to existence, and its omission closes it."
THEN, could you tell me more about the materialization process?
It is the union of three, ''Desire-Thought-Energy'', that are the building blocks of creative reality.
What are the steps involved?
First of all DESIRE! Literally make it a BURNING desire.
It is this stirring of ''inner fire'' that will open the doors to existence.
Secondly use your IMAGINATION to generate THOUGHTS that will act as a carrier wave of the desire. Picture the outcome vividly. FEEL IT and see yourself within these scenes as if it were already happening and in a sense it already has.
Thirdly ENERGIZE those thoughts through concurrent behavior. Act in a way as if it were already part of your existence.
Finally let the Universe deliver. Let Go! Stay out of the way. Just allow it to happen.
So what if the outcome turns out to be different or just seems not to happen at all?
Always remember that you are on a level that need opposites to allow experience. The only thing you have to do is choose which direction to follow and just follow it, but be clear which direction to follow. You don't get anywhere when you''re not giving clear driving instructions to the cab driver.
I'll be honest with you. Sometimes I do have doubts which way to go. What does that mean?
Doubt is a condition of being caught between two opposite forces of the same magnitude, ''Yes-No, Yes-No, Yes-No etc...'' You just don't know which direction to follow, so you're stuck in the middle. Shift your Point of Focus in either direction to start a flow of action so your state of being will change into a state of doing, hence a state of having can be accomplished.
OK, so I decide to go in one direction. Why is it that often I don't end up where I'm going?
A flow of energy is never untouched with opposite ingredients, but the direction it flows is determined by the amount of particles whose alignment predominates the others. If the ratio is 51% left vs. 49% right, it will align itself to the left direction. It is obvious its speed towards that direction would be more slowly than when the ratio was 80% vs. 20%.
Direction is determined by the flow of particles that dominates in alignment and its speed in proportion to the amount of difference (in alignment). Therefore examine if you have any thoughts that contradict this desire.
Look for any adopted beliefs that are strongly held in your subconscious, which discourage that desire.
Examine your feelings regarding this desire. Do you find any of them that makes you uncomfortable when related to this desire or even consider the desire appalling.
Find those opposite intentions and embrace them. Absorb their energy by acknowledging that you understand you have them due to your dualistic nature of being and align them to become part of your new desire.
OK, and than what?
The moment you announce your desire, do not focus on it any longer. Merely release opposite thoughts, those that block or hinder it from coming into existence.
How fast can I see the results?
The speed of materialization of a desire is determined by the lack of ''counter thoughts'' and not by a continuous focus. Your direction has already been established so affirmations and other disciplinary focus drills are a pure waste of time and are more delaying the process than speeding it up. When you constantly repeat to the cab driver where you want to go, he probably would stop the car and strongly advise you to get out. So the more you focus on the outcome, the more it will charge the opposite.
Do I need discipline?
Discipline concerns only those who believe they ''need'' it. Those are the ones who wish to believe that goals can only be reached by force and indurations and not by simply having fun doing it. Of course we don't mean that you do not have to follow up on your desire, for your actions feed the carrier to deliver your wishes, but you don't have to put force into it. Just let it happen and flow with the stream. Keep in mind... "if it ain't easy, it ain't yours" .
How can I do this right. Is there a trick?
The ''trick'' is to focus without actually focusing. Why should you constantly think of it? Wouldn't that prove that you don''t have enough faith, not enough trust? And these counter thoughts and feelings will be part of the delivery as well. How would you feel when somebody is constantly repeating the same old story over and over again? Wouldn't you be fed up and turn away? So don't constantly THINK of it. Instead just occupy yourself in DOING it!
But sometimes it''s hard not to allow doubts into your mind.
The Universe does nothing else than respond and if you doubt the outcome it responds accordingly. So let go and allow it to happen. Let the universe take care of it. It always delivers, but you can accelerate the delivery time by just getting out of the way. Release those thoughts that are contrary to the direction you wish to follow and do not constantly emphasize your goal through repetitive affirmations. Remember, things you really desire are already yours and present. You only have to ''see'' them as being present, to allow them to surface.
Is there a trick to see it as being present?
The ''trick'' is not to FORCE things to happen, but to ALLOW them to happen. Your desire ignites the events to awaken and from that moment on they are already happening, although it seems they are not, due to your distorted sense of time which prevents you to see it from happening immediately. Trust your own power of creation that things are set in motion and eager to appear into your level of awareness, IF YOU JUST LET THEM!
So what should I do? Nothing?
You are not capable of doing ''nothing'', although it might look that way. Even when you are in a resting state, you are actually in a state of doing. Your energy patterns are still moving. Your mind is thinking and your body molecules are forever changing. Resting could be compared as wobbling a rocking chair. A lot of motion, but no progress in either direction.
But back to your question, the rule is: ''Don't overdo it!''
It is fine to dream along the path of your desire, for that keeps the inner fire burning, but there is no need for self-denial, self-inflicting rituals, mechanical affirmations, repetitions, mantra's, tantra's, sacrifices or whatever mumbo jumbo. Just have faith! Trust that the outcome will be that what you have desired.
Follow the directions given and you WILL create your wish come true.
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Three Inspirations for Happiness
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The following three inspirations were adapted from A Daily Dose of Happiness, and they represent three key ways to increase our happiness.
We like to think we are better than our friends below us in the food chain, such as the octopus and the snail. After all, we have love. We feel happiness. We have empathy. We have a conscience. We can reason.
We can also hold onto grudges.
Grudges are, in fact, prickly little creatures that worm their way into our hearts. Holding onto them is a self-defeating exercise.
Fortunately, forgiveness is also uniquely human. Forgiveness cleanses the spirit. Forgiveness let's us get on with enjoying our lives instead of being preoccupied with someone else's. Forgiveness opens the door to happiness.
When things seem to be very bleak, it does not take much to lift someone's spirits. Sometimes all it takes is to let somebody know they are not alone.
That is why it is so important to smile at people, especially if they look down. And if you know what is weighing the person down, let them know they are not alone. Don't go burdening them with all your miseries, but let them know you have been there.
Guess what? You will feel happiness for having helped them, too.
There is no such thing as happiness if you are not at peace with yourself. Too many people just don't know how to make peace with themselves.
Peace begins with acceptance. Whether we agree with everything we do (like the environmentalist who sometimes throws out a recyclable container), it is important to accept what we do.
Do we always make the best choices? No. But they are the choices we make.
Do we always treat people with the most respect? No. But it is how we treat people.
Can we improve? Yes, and we should. But that is a project for the future. First we must accept who we are now, rather than condemning ourselves. Then we can move to improve the person we will be tomorrow. Both acceptance today and improvements tomorrow will increase our happiness.