Monday, June 25, 2007

Cultivate an Attitude of Gratitude

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The attitude of gratitude, now that's some powerful medicine!

Take some in the morning and everywhere you go;

Simple acts of kindness are sure to make a show;

Make you glow, from the inside out as you shine so bright, from within;

Every single moment;

Overflowing, from within;

My cup runnith over;

Is all you will say;

With the attitude of gratitude;

Nothing will stand in your way...

10 Rules for Making Every Day a Great Day:

1. Think that good things will happen.

2. Express gratitude to a loved one.

3. Put your gripes away in a box.

4. Be patient with an annoying person.

5. Do something special for yourself.

6. Reach out to someone who needs comfort.

7. Focus deeply on each moment.

8. Learn from a mistake.

9. Look closely at a flower or tree you haven't noticed before.

10. Smile and have a beautiful day!

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