Monday, June 25, 2007

Cultivate an Attitude of Gratitude

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The attitude of gratitude, now that's some powerful medicine!

Take some in the morning and everywhere you go;

Simple acts of kindness are sure to make a show;

Make you glow, from the inside out as you shine so bright, from within;

Every single moment;

Overflowing, from within;

My cup runnith over;

Is all you will say;

With the attitude of gratitude;

Nothing will stand in your way...

10 Rules for Making Every Day a Great Day:

1. Think that good things will happen.

2. Express gratitude to a loved one.

3. Put your gripes away in a box.

4. Be patient with an annoying person.

5. Do something special for yourself.

6. Reach out to someone who needs comfort.

7. Focus deeply on each moment.

8. Learn from a mistake.

9. Look closely at a flower or tree you haven't noticed before.

10. Smile and have a beautiful day!

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Monday, June 18, 2007

Two Key Ingredients to Living A Fulfilled, Successful Life

A great article I thought I'd pass along:

A Conversation With John Harricharan

The following is a excerpt from the exclusive AudioMotivation interview with Lecturer, author, businessman, and motivational icon John Harricharan.


What other tools and resources would you say are essential to achieve personal success and I'd love to pass that along to the AudioMotivation members today.


You know, I always thought there were two important things in the recipe of success. Two of the most important ingredients in success are, number one a sense of purpose and number two a touch of madness. You've got to be crazy. And I mean that in a really lighthearted way.

Let's touch on a sense of purpose. It's actually where do you want to go, what do you want to do, what is it you want to do with your life and what is it you want to do for humanity or your family or your friends or just for yourself? Which means you have to believe in who you are.

You have to have a feeling of self-worth, a feeling of self, not self-importance, but of a positive self-image that you are worthy of being here on this Earth.

Until you can come to terms with that, you can't go on to the other thing or the other one won't do it alone. It's like baking a cake with half the stuff you need for it. It won't be a really good cake so the other recipe is you've got to be crazy enough, you've got to be mad enough to say to yourself, you know the universe may not owe me a living but I owe the universe a life and because of that I will follow my dream, I will follow this inner feeling, this intuitive guidance, this whatever it is that calls to me from deep within me. I'll follow that and I'll do the necessary things, I'll take action and I'll get to where I want to go. That's the nutshell version of it, two of the most important things.


Now people really need to do this every day to kind of affirm that within themselves and free themselves of any guilt that may be holding them back, right?


Yeah, well you know, one of the greatest detriments to becoming wealthy is actually guilt. A friend of mine, a late friend of mine, Foster Hibbard, many people have heard of him. He was a friend and student of Dr. Napoleon Hill of Think and Grow Rich and Foster and I were friends for many, many years until he died a few years ago and once I asked him about money.

I said "Foster, what is it you think that prevents people from becoming wealthy?", and he looks at me and says "you know, John, it's guilt, guilt, guilt". Because the only message guilt brings is that you don't deserve it. It says to you, you don't deserve, you don't deserve, you don't deserve. And if there is a feeling within you that you do not deserve, if you do not deserve to be wealthy, you won't be because you will stop yourself.

It's like watering your garden and standing on the hose because nothing will come through. So what we have to do is erase guilt. Guilt is actually paying the price for something you've paid for before, you're just doing it over and over again. So one of the very important things is get rid of guilt, it's a poison.

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Friday, June 01, 2007

Your Mental Diet - Prosperity

All day long you are surrounded by a data-sphere of information that promotes negativity, limitation, and 'lack' consciousness. It pummels your senses from all directions.

It comes from your TV, radio, the Internet, your friends, family, and the people you work with. Most people are so saturated by 'lack' programming that they can't even fathom a life of anything but struggle and complaints.

What you read, what you listen to, and the people you talk with, have a huge effect on the person you are and the thoughts you have. TV, radio, and the newspaper are all channels of information that create and feed the mass reality of doom and gloom.

You must recognize that this data-sphere is continually programming you 24/7, and that almost 95% of it is lack and limitation programming. And it's not just the media. It's also your family and friends. And your church and government.

So what do you do to combat all of this negative programming?

If you want to reach the highest levels of success-you have to zealously guard your consciousness. You must control your own programming, and reject the poisonous stuff most people are trying to feed you.

In order to focus on prosperity, it is imperative that you spendmore time on your own personal growth. Each morning and each evening before you go to bed, spend time on self development.

Remember you are the foundation from which all your dreams are made reality. Don't look outside for change, look inside.

Your physical health is but one half of the whole. Your mental health is the other.

Always expect your desires. Expect miracles.

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