Do you ever wonder about the other “YOU?”
The one that speaks to you quietly, the one that helps you find inspiration.
It is in your spirit that the feeling of love and peace reign supreme. It is where happiness is free to embrace you.
Reach within yourself, FEEL good and FEEL happy.
Being is a state, such as being happy. You cannot explain state, nor can you do a state. You can only be (feel) a state. You cannot do happiness; you can only be happiness or be happy. Creation works as follows: being causes thinking, which causes speaking, which causes doing, which puts in place the system to receive and experience what you created in your being and thinking.
Being (feeling) is the First Cause.
What gives you strength, courage and empowerment? Why does negative self-talk feel magnified especially in your solitude?
We all have a Spirit, as we are Spiritual beings having a human experience. If you would stop, listen and nurture your spirit it will work with you in magnificent ways! It will not lead you astray.
Negative vibrations (thoughts/feelings) weigh you down, because your spirit does not want to have anything to do with your negative attitudes, it serves you no purpose. At that moment it is as if your spirit is almost trying to tell you, "Hey, if you pursue this negative course, you’re on your own. Listen to me and I’ll show you a better way."
The first step to experiencing massive wealth is being (or feeling) wealthy. Being wealthy is an internal state. It has nothing to do with the outside world. The internal state of wealth is a decision you make right now and you become it, right now. You need nothing outside of yourself to make this decision. Once you make this decision to be wealthy, you become wealthy. It is hard to speak of this because you can only be a state (you cannot do a state nor speak a state).
Feel wealth Now.
Be Wealth. Do not try to get wealth. Be Wealth. To help you understand that, consider happiness. Do not try to get happiness, Be Happy. See? You can either try to do things that make you happy, or you can instantly decide to be happy, just make a decision. You have done this before sometime in your life.
Everyone has at one time or another said 'you know what, I am not going to let this bother me. I am going to be happy and stop worrying about this.' Which is easier? Trying to do things to be something, or being that something instantly and letting that state of being allow you to do things consistent with it?
Of course it is easier to be happy instead trying to get happy. And this is the same with wealth. Be Wealth and everything else will follow automatically. This will only work as long as you are always, at all moments, Being Wealth.
You've heard it before, success is truly an inside job.
Just Be It.